New Orleans was sexier when I began my provider lifestyle about five years ago. It seemed like more people were swinging and a few sex/nude clubs closed down (The Country Club, Jasmine’s) as the world collided with Millennials coming of age and the old guard who appears to be hanging on with a death grip for absolute power. I’m a Generation X gal. Sometimes I feel as if we’re the forgotten middle child between these two. There’s not as many of us and that means we will probably continue as we are now. I am referring to working until we die. I mean, like on the job. The club lifestyle isn’t my thing, but it was fun to share a blunt with other fun naked people in the hot tub at the place I mentioned earlier, The Country Club. I was inundated with calls when Backpage was still rolling and I just figured this is the way it is in New Orleans. It’s a tourist destination and there will always be another convention or festival. I became spoiled. I was in my mid-forties and figured I was just lucky to be able to pull this off without any real problems. Clients are mainly friendly and decent people. I wasn’t really afraid and if someone was a little physical with me I’d just show him to the door. Easy.
As social media made New Orleans more popular more people and provider competition made this job more of a tap dance day by day. A lot of transplants from elsewhere or touring women have made my hustle a little more challenging. Client retention is key to making it in our kinky little world. Many gentlemen come back every month because I make sure they feel cared for and appreciated. It’s comforting to have sex with a man you’ve cultivated a friendship and during uncertain times the smells and tastes of familiar lovemaking are truly therapeutic. The gents I’ve seen have been only the best of the best in my lineup. I’m grateful and flattered for their company and their sex. I don’t just do this for the money and Mama’s not getting her fix like she used to. Sigh…. Also, I get calls, but I don’t feel comfortable seeing everyone, especially with the quarantine and COVID situation. I miss my old routine. I miss hot sweaty sex with one client and then soft-giving sex with another all before noon. Then I’d figure out what I wanted for lunch and grab an iced coffee. I had what I’d call a pretty decadent life. Now it’s turkey sandwiches at home and lots of yard work to keep me occupied. My cat enjoys it when I’m outside and my yard is coming along, by the way. Times are changing and I’m not sure what that will mean for a seasoned woman like myself. So, I will carry on and see how I can thrive as a person and a provider without offering video chat, phone chat, and some of the options my peers are adding to their menus. It’s just not my style. I’m more fun in 3D and I like to get lost in a casual exchange. Live and in person. However, I am offering nudes (send $25.00 to Venmo for five nudes) if you would like a visual when you take a shower. Giggle…. I bet some of you are sick of masturbation. I know. It’s not the same as the touch and giving exchange between two ravenous souls. I miss the smell of a man. I miss making a man hard. I guess I’ll just have to be patient. Keep the faith. We’re all going to be alright. One more thing. Don’t forget about me when you can play again. I’m wanton and rarely satisfied. There’s plenty of Jilly for everyone.
Don’t let my sweet nature fool you. I’m a little firecracker!