I had a nice looking young man visit me around Christmas. He told me he was 30 years old and never had made the time to lose his virginity. Yes. I know. Being the good hostess that I am, I told him that he had nothing to worry about and he was in good hands. He was nervous and eager at the same time. I could tell by his technique that he was definitely inexperienced. So, I believed that he was actually very much still a virgin. Then I got to thinking. How can someone just never get around to losing his or her virginity? He is handsome and successful. He is friendly and very interested in discussing many topics, He asked me lots of questions about what I do and so on and so forth. He wasn’t a dud. I didn’t get it. The environment we are raised in must have something to do with our compulsion to experiment sexually either in our teens or at least by our twenties. I must have come from some really sexy people. I matured early. However, I didn’t lose my virginity until I was 18. That was late by some standards in the 1980’s. I’ll spare you the details about my lackluster first time. Let’s just say it was gloriously underwhelming. The only cool thing about it was that it was in a boy’s dorm room at my college. It was Christmas week and no one was around. I remember as we were wrapping it up being sorry I had wasted it on the dork who had talked me into it. Drinking was involved and I wasn’t myself. If he reads this by some miracle and can put this all together I’d like to tell him that he has no game. Let’s get back to the virgins for a minute. There seems to be many of them milling around these days. Young men lack a certain edge that I’m used to. Some are ahead of others and pound my brains out, but the vast majority are still learning. Must have been all that helicopter parenting we did back in the 1990’s. There is one thing I do like about these gentler inexperienced men. They do not seem to be as angry and stressed as men my age and older. I like that very much. Too many ego maniacs have made things hard for the world with their delusions of glory. Their money and their power have caused wars and many young men were casualties. I hope that type of man is dying out. Also, I hope these younger men fight for peace instead of power. I’m a lover, not a fighter and nice guys always finish first with me.
A very eager young man gifted me these orchids. He was a carnival ride. Giddy up!