Giving references for clients you have seen to other providers is always a safe and smart business practice. A man that sees whores for sport is called a hobbyist. He might have a second phone which he uses on the sly. This is so that his significant other doesn’t see random numbers on their phone bill. He might have a second job coaching junior high basketball to make the extra money he needs for a date. Or, he might just like to spend his retirement and see all the new girls passing through and write reviews on various sites like Eccie, Private Delights and The Erotic Review. Until recently I saw all sorts of men from the hobbyist to the once a year guy who only does this when he’s really hurting and can’t find a regular woman to give him a fix. Some men prefer seeing women who, like me, don’t require anything more of them than the donation. A mistress is a woman who will sleep with him and let him take her out, accepts his monetary gifts if she needs them, but doesn’t want to call it what it is. She wants more from him and that is why he prefers to see shady ladies. The girlfriend experience is what I offer. I will be in the moment with you and once you are satisfied I will let you shower, give you something to drink and help you to the door. For some reason a good client can turn into a bad client where the man you once knew and considered one of the good ones will basically blow his wad and wind up on everyone’s naughty list. For you see, the women in this trade are networking behind the scenes. Getting the word out is our only defense against potentially aggressive or violent clients who have a tendency to take it out on the easiest targets. We share information when a provider has had an altercation about the donation or lack of one, was stood up, threatened or worse, assaulted. I don’t know every provider in town, but we all know of each other. When a good provider that I follow on social media or have just known because we’ve traded references along the way suffers we hear about it. I make notes, get his phone number and block it on my phone. There are clients who have come to see me for years without any problems. Then one day I give a reference to a provider who he wants to see and she informs me during the date he scared her to death. Why does this happen? Am I better at handling men than she is? Did she start something with him about money or insult his manhood? I have seen this Eccie guy for years who recently became physical with a provider I gave a reference to. According to her he was aggressive and made threats to call the police. She reached back out to me after the date and told me what happened. Now, I’ve known him for a long time and while he is a little hot headed and strange he never went too far with me. He’s one of those hobbyists who have sugar babies and sees providers too. He has shown me countless pictures on his phone of the girls he’s helping financially, but their tryst always ends badly. He’s told me of times he’s gotten angry with his latest squeeze for not being more affectionate or grateful. I think it’s because he knows deep in his heart that she’s way out his league, too young and she doesn’t care a thing about him. Because I was brought up right, I don’t say this out loud. When he asks for my advice, he listens, but never takes it. I simply tell him that he sets himself up for failure and shouldn’t humiliate himself like this. We’re about the same age and maybe he held his temper with me because of respect and he knows I’ll hand his money back to him and show him to door. I’ve done it before and I’ll probably do it again if someone decides to get cute with me. However, he got aggressive with a girl last month and when she told me how it all went down I was surprised, but not really. It’s kind of different world for women now than when I began this life in 2015. I think my genial and accessible nature probably helped me avoid encounters like this more times than I can count. Also, at that time the hobbyist’s were comprised of the last gasp of the Greatest Generation with the Silent Generation coming in second and the Boomers dominating the game as they were still working and making the most money. It was still the “Old Boy’s Club” mentality and I had been bred accepting that it was a man’s world and to have limited expectations. So, being a prostitute seemed a perfect career choice now that I think on it. I’ll just say yes a lot and see where it gets me. The Millennial man is respectful and was fortunate to grow up with the viewpoint that women are equals more than sex objects, but he doesn’t have as much money because he used to be an engineer, but rather bar tend than work 9:00 to 5:00. One day I decided that I no longer needed reviews to keep my doors open and branched out before the Fed’s seized Backpage for human trafficking underage girls. I made a website and started my blog. I started taking pictures of my life and posting them on Instagram. I created a profile with real pictures of me doing fun things you can do in New Orleans, dining with a client and so forth. I wanted to add an extra layer of legitimacy to my hustle and attract men who can make their own minds up about me from my pictures and writings. I wanted to convey that I was safe to see, whole and friendly. But back to my wayward client. Why did this client who was safe to see all of a sudden turn into Mr. Hyde? It’s not always easy to understand. As men age, they can become more desperate in this hobby. I had an older client who I stopped seeing back in 2018 because he became too needy, called me too much and still calls even though he’s blocked. I call that harassment and intimidation and it pisses me off more than anything. Becoming a pest because you’ve lost the finesse to buy yourself a date isn’t our problem. If they are smart, younger girls can pick and choose who they see, but when you’re a 28 year old woman seeing a 78 year old man naked for the first time it just might not resonate. This is where a woman my age can excel in this business. I was already a smart woman with years of life experience when I began. I did the Eccie review tap dance and was judged on my sexual skills, bust size and overall demeanor on The Erotic Review, but I wanted a particular kind of client. The client who went off on this other provider can be best described as sort of an oddball. He talks about how much money he makes and how important his family is. Not to mention another thing about him that I never cared for is he gossips about the providers he’s seen. So, this means he probably said negative things about me and that’s not nice. I gave him some of my time in spite of his inability to see how selfish, inconsiderate and delusional he really is. I’m not a psychotherapist and don’t feel I have credentials to classify him as pathological or narcissistic, but he has some negative characteristics that causes one to pause, especially now that I gave a provider a “he’s safe to see” reference and it didn’t go well. What I remember mostly was how he always stayed longer than he was supposed to and eventually I would have to say in my most gentle voice, “I have to get ready for another client.” He would look slighted and quickly gather his stuff like a wounded teenager while mumbling under his breath, “I know. You’re busy and stuff.” Sigh. I have chosen to see men who need a little stress relief and I like what I do, but try not to push me too far. I don’t have to take your bullshit more than once. Clients who obey my rules and maybe are good tippers or better yet, good lovers, land in what I affectionately call “The Five Star Club.” This is a special honor for gentleman who know a good thing when they see one. Our time together is fun and friendly which makes my job easy. They are the creme de la creme of clients and how to know if you are in my club is that I continue to see you. From the thirty year old virgin to the seasoned seventy year old charmer I always have room in my club for you as long as you treat me well. “Do unto others” and all that jazz is what I was taught. Good manners and breeding are always a turn on for me. Then there are those gents who grunt and complain their way through what should be a fun date and the opportunity to return to a woman who will make time for you. I have bumped a new client for someone I’ve seen before, but I will not offer this courtesy to a man with a bad attitude or one with rough hands.