She stole a quick peek at his eyes as he scrolled through the pictures on his phone. “I want you to see my last provider. We had a relationship for years. Then she moved away. I’m looking for a new main squeeze. You remind me of her a little bit.” He proudly announced this to her as he found his former tart’s picture and handed her his phone. “What an odd thing to do.” She said quietly to herself. “Am I supposed to be turned on now?” Thoughtfully smiling and agreeing with him that his ex was indeed a pretty woman, she nodded her approval. “We have spent a lot of our time talking about you and your life, your ex and so forth. Am I to mirror what you want to see and hear back to you?” Thinking this to herself she sipped her old fashioned and looked at the busty Texas gal grinning in the pic. Once she got a good look she decided that if there was a resemblance she didn’t see it. This woman was anatomically challenged due to a boob job that seemed to be more than she needed. She was also very tall compared to her lowly 5’3 inch frame. Not to mention, his former flame’s style of dress was flashier than hers. For a provider she still adhered to the rules of dress she was raised on. “Less is more.” She heard her mother’s voice whisper softly as she continued to look at his eyes. She noticed as he looked at the pics on his phone he smiled at this woman who had ended their relationship for some reason. He was obviously remembering some sweet moment they had shared in their sorted past as lovers. That’s when he endeared himself to her. It took about five minutes and the picture of the ex for her to size him up. He seemed pleasant enough and wasn’t cheap. The ex was holding flowers and gifts he’d given her over the years. That’s a good sign. Seated in one of the better restaurants in town and looking across from him she noticed how confident he seemed. First meetings, in her opinion were part fiction and part mystery. The most important thing to remember is that if it seems too good to be true it usually is too good to be true. Also, take everything with a grain of salt. This might be a fantasy of his. Some men don’t announce their true intentions with you and somehow you give them what they want simply by paying attention. However, his motives seemed skewed. He looked up from his phone, licked his bottom lip and gazed at the demure woman before him like a delicious dessert he was eager to devour. She finished her drink and sighed deeply. Dinner came and went. Chit chat was now limited and she was ready to move on with the rest of the date or whatever the afternoon would bring. She looked at him and studied his face as he asked her “would you like to go back to my hotel room?” She wasn’t entirely comfortable with him, but there was a compulsion that urged her on. “Maybe he’ll be fun. He likes southern girls and he’s in pretty good shape.” She said this to comfort herself and prepare for what was to come next. She felt like she didn’t have a choice. Maybe it was lust. Or, just something beyond her. So many ways to say no. Yes is weak, but this is what I do. Another thought crossed her mind. “I really don’t want to go back to his hotel room.” This surprised her because she was usually up for the sport of unfamiliar sex with no strings attached. However, he seemed interested in her in a way that she wanted to run from and pursue in equal amounts. It wasn’t ego on her part that took his hand when he offered it and walked with him to his car. It was more of a curiosity to see what he would say next. She gathered herself for the ride to the hotel and gave a silent warning. “Don’t get lost in this whatever it may be.” “Just stay until you feel ready to leave and then go home.” After all, she owed him nothing. And nothing was exactly what she was preparing to give him. She knew he was comparing her to the last one and this realization sort of took the wind out of her sails. He was merely a little boy and his eyes were kind. She knew that she had nothing to fear. But it always puts a damper on the fun and the spontaneity of a session when the client compares you to his ex wife or former lover. Once, before the pandemic, when the world was still turning and she was rolling in the clients, she met a man who told her she looked like a little red haired girl he had loved in the third grade. It had been a happy meeting and the good part was that he didn’t tell her why he had chosen her until she was walking him to the door. However, a session always belongs to the client he can talk about whomever he wants to. All she has to do is listen. “Sit quiet as a dove and let him work it out.” Admonishing herself for being judge mental she noticed a raggedy looking woman on the side of the street running after a very angry and very skinny man. “Oh! Things could be very different for you if you had gone down her path. There by the grace of God go I.” Whispering a prayer for the woman and secretly counting her blessings, she quickly turned back to her date and was grateful for what she had done right in her life. When they arrived a valet met him at his car door. Another opened her side and helped her out. Her date told them both “be careful with my baby.” They laughed and said “we’re going to take it to Memphis tonight.” This gave them all a good chuckle and he offered his arm and took her inside the hotel. Once they entered his hotel room she was taken by how beautiful it was and she felt that it was chosen especially to impress her. Maybe he was aiming to give an illusion of himself which she wasn’t sure she fully understood. However, an impression was made and when he moved in behind her and began slipping her dress off of her shoulders all fears and assumptions faded. “Good hands.” She assured herself as this man’s hands now cupped her soft and engorged breasts. Once aroused her breasts and pussy plump up for proper sexual satisfaction. He smelled so good. Not cologne or aftershave, but just him. Clean and easy. It’s so satisfying when the chemicals are right. His lips nipped the nape of her neck almost too forcefully, but not enough for her to complain. She arched her neck so that he could continue priming her for what she hoped would be several hours of quality play. Everything felt right. The dress was a memory now and he pulled his shirt off and tossed it on the floor. She unbuckled his pants in a hasty dance over towards the bed. She wanted him on top of her as soon as possible. No more worry or stress. Just let this happen. When she moaned or gasped he mimicked her and moaned his own lust out loud. “How interesting.” She thought. “He isn’t afraid to be himself during sex.” So many men have come and gone that it was refreshing to find one that really enjoys the whole of the sex act. Noise making included. Now on top of her his fingers stroked her face and he buried his tongue deep inside her mouth. Glancing behind her, she spied a lovely cream envelope with “Jilly” handwritten on the front standing upright on the nightstand. “Well…that was dumb! You should have asked for it! What are you doing dummy?” She admonished herself for not being in control and making sure the money was handed to her when they walked into his room. He had already given her part for coming to dinner first. This must be the other half. “Come on!” She said to herself. While she managed for the moment to clear her head and pay closer attention, his hands were moving down her hips, thighs and as he parted her legs and placed himself on top of her juicy mound she opened her eyes. “Okay. Let him play a little and then suggest a condom.” She decided she’d let him know if things became too hot too handle.” His manner was purposeful and somewhat commanding. He was sure of himself and that is a lot to deal with in a situation such as this. She figured, he wasn’t going to want to wear a condom and how to make him would be the challenge. Some men want to push a lady as far as she will let him go. Some men push too far and you have what could basically be the same thing as “date rape.” It’s a very fine line between what is proper even if you are a woman like me who is in the business of pleasuring strange men for money. Like I’ve said before “I’m a gambling man” and I feel like I draw the right men to me with my advertising and pick the ones that I feel with treat me the way I want to be treated. Then there’s this guy. Brash. Capable. Oblivious. “He doesn’t really need me. I’m sure he can get whomever he chooses. He’s not overly handsome, but he’s very sexy and stands straight and tall. Also, he makes me feel dainty and delicate. Of course I’d like to bare back him. He’s a player. I guess he recognized himself in me and wanted to see how good it could be.” These thoughts were foremost in her mind as he began rubbing her now sticky clit with his uncovered cock. She allowed herself this tasty moment. She grind ed her hips as he made circles with the tip of his cock. His tongue firmly planted in her throat now, she began to feel a shock of electricity that originates in her core. It’s what she would call “almost sex.” It wasn’t actually coitus and there wasn’t any penetration. She assumed this heavy petting was a prelude to the banging that was eminent. It brought her back to a time where heavy petting or pleasing yourself was all you had.
As a young pubescent she spent hours in her room listening to her Police albums and staring back at Sting as he and his bottle blonde band mates leered back. She watched their videos and bought their albums. Sting made her tingle to her core. He made her think thoughts and do things she was sure would buy her a front row seat at the ninth gate of Hell. With that intense gaze and angelic voice, not to mention the hauntingly beautiful lyrics, what young girl could resist? Silly little girl! Her mother once told her that teen dream, Dion, made her “weak in the knees.” Lots of hormones raging and masturbation kept you chaste. Sometimes she remembered how acute the shock of her fingers entering her burgeoning vagina felt as she made play love in her mind to her favorite rock god. “It’s never going to be that new again.” She knew in her heart. Teenage girls should be locked up until they turn thirty. However, Sting’s lyrics made her pull out a dictionary so she could fully understand his seduction.
“In peace we sleep entwined
And your love flows through me
Though an ocean soothes my head
I burn for you.”
Snapping back to reality she felt something very wet between her thighs. “Did he cum?” She reached between their legs and he was still being a good boy. He was simply grinding on top of her furry muff. She was sloppy wet. She was so wet she didn’t even realize that it had happened. “Golly.” She whispered, as his mouth crashed down hard upon her parted lips. He was now on his knees, hands wrapped around her bottom and his mouth was now in her folds. When a woman is this turned on the first lick from your lover’s tongue is magical. “I may actually cum if he keeps this up.” She hoped. He continued licking her pussy and made deep moans and whimpers which heightened his and her pleasure. She reached her hand forward and grasped his cock in her hand. “I want to suck you!” She gasped. He moved forward on his knees, turned her around so that her head was beneath him and put his cock into her mouth backwards. She gulped him down as far as her mouth and throat would allow. “Hold on baby. I might blow if you keep that up!” He moaned. He then spun around to face her in a missionary pose. “Let’s put on a condom so that I can fuck you properly.” He said. She froze. She hadn’t taken them out of her bag like she would have usually done upon entering the room. He sort of overtook her when they first entered his room and she didn’t do anything right. “Let me get my bag,” she said. As she slipped off the bed and onto the floor, stumbling towards her crumpled purse which was lying near the door she giggled because didn’t remember dropping it. She picked through her collection of prophylactics and found her favorite brand. Walking back towards the bed she noticed that his cock was still hard, but eager to wrap her lips around him just once before he blew she asked, “do you mind?” He obliged her by pushing her onto her knees as he stood up in front of her. As she smelled his musky sack and sucked his balls he groaned out loud. He grasped a handful of her hair and fed his cock in and out of her doll like mouth. As he grew harder and harder she noticed the electric tingly shocks were back and now her pelvis was aching. She needed to fuck him now. Sensing that she was ready he pulled her up to him and kissed her deeply. Then he pushed her down onto the side of the bed, hoisted her legs up to him, peeled the wrapper off of the selected Trojan and buried his organ deep inside her womb. “This is the sweetest pussy!” He breathed as he thrust into her again and again. Her head was swimming. Now her moaning had become guttural and like him she opened her mouth and let each spasm force one scream after another from so deep inside of her she literally was losing consciousness. When she released he followed with his orgasm. He yelled his pleasure with eyes wide open into her face. She was certain that other rooms could hear them now. No matter. He was touching her soul and had actually made contact with who she was. It was positively spiritual. He pulled out of her roughly, flopped onto the other side of the bed panting and pulling himself together. “Jesus H. Christ! You are a firecracker little lady!” He said as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her close to him. She said “I haven’t been fucked like that in a good while.” It was a good thing he was her last client of the day because after that she was worthless. Giggling now. She asked him “do you have another one in you?” He stopped panting and said “I think that was it. If I cum that hard again I might die.” She noticed that she really liked lying in his arms and decided to stay put and see what he says next. It’s her nature to want to up and leave once the client is sated, but there’s no hurry today. He sat up on the edge of the bed and asked her if she needed a ride home. She said she had a way. “Pity.” She said silently. She was hoping they could do it again to see if she could pull that second one out of him. It was not to be. He was now heading towards the bathroom. She stood up and started gathering her things, looking for panties and shoes. The light coming in through the hotel room was golden. She had been in this room nearly three hours and the sun was going down. Smiling to nobody she realized they had successfully departed. He came towards her and cupped her face in his hands. Gently kissing her mouth, nose and neck he told her that he really appreciated her. She blushed as she kissed him back and replied “it was my pleasure.” She dressed and left “walking on the moon.”