I have an edge. When I was three years old I stole candy from a convenience store. I don’t remember stealing the candy, but my mother has been kind enough to mention it over the years. According to her, we were walking out of the store and as she picked me up to put me into the car she noticed my panties were lumpy. That’s right. I had the fortitude to stash the candy somewhere it couldn’t possibly be discovered. It was a brave first try, but I was sloppy. What’s that crooks always say when they get caught? Oh yeah. “I almost got away with it.” Cue canned laughter and we’re out in 3, 2, 1. So, my mother marched me right back inside and made me apologize as she took the candy from my panties and laid it out on the counter for the clerk to see. Even though I took to crime early on in life, I was never a rebellious child. In fact, if you look up the phrase, people pleaser and there I am! I guess my heart was yearning to stray. Although I cannot remember what I was thinking when I stole the candy it’s possible when I left the store, a budding thief, I felt exhilaration. I obviously wanted to get away with it. Or, I could be completely wrong and maybe I didn’t feel exhilarated by what I had just done. Nah! On second thought, I think it was an admirable first heist and I felt a strong desire to make the effort. That was before I became cautious to a fault. I had a decent start in life, but for some reason I have always had a restlessness that will not be satisfied. My good judgment at times is skewed and naughty thoughts cloud my mind., and an overwhelming desire to get away with it basically redirects my normal process of thought. I wouldn’t say that I’m a bad person. I know right from wrong. However, this never-ceasing battle between the good angel and the bad angel on my shoulders is loud, thick, and intricate. Proper thoughts and clarity of my mind are lost when I’m faced with the prospect of say, walking out of a hotel room into the hallway and snatching a bar of soap off of the maid’s cart. I’m not a kleptomaniac, but a small token such as candy or soap may be a symbol or reward for having the finesse it takes to not be caught. As I make my way down the elevator I enjoy walking out of the hotel and saying “Have a good day” to the hotel clerk like I’m merely a guest leaving. Then, giddy and sated, I blend onto the street and casually make my way home. I feel the same way when a stranger calls me and asks for an appointment. When I get that call I may be toying with the idea of finally getting that master’s degree I’ve been putting off for the last twenty years. Or, I’m looking at jobs online and pledging to straighten up and fly right because you just can’t hustle forever. Right? The caller is waiting for my response and, like magic, and all of a sudden I’m a flutter with the possibilities. I think to myself as he waits for my answer “Maybe he’ll have a hard cock and I won’t have to coax it out of him.” Or, “Maybe he’ll have a certain something that makes me giggle.” He might be so grateful for the sexual gifts I share with him that he’ll become so inspired and leave a large tip. Oh! I do love to be rewarded for my abilities! Perhaps I’ll choose the right music. Maybe we are about the same age. He might get lost in my lush escape of familiar songs, strange pheromones, earthy smells, soft skin, and ample figure. I’ll feel younger and he’ll feel younger and our sex will clear the cobwebs from our minds and our souls will be purged of everyday worries of life and family and what we’ve lost and will never regain. Brush your hair. Apply lipstick. If he’s a regular I wonder “Has he seen me in this teddy before?” The text comes and he has arrived. Soon I will feel that irresistible tingle of excitement and I’ll see him and he’ll see me. Sometimes I can hardly wait for him to undress. I will put his cock into my mouth deliberately and purposefully. Then I’ll drift away ever so gently. I can’t wait for the soothing rush of hormones that will flow into my frontal lobe. It always feels like like I’m floating on a cloud of titties. He will cum and I will cum in my head for luring him into my bed and getting him off. I will wrap my lips around his throbbing shaft and he’ll writhe and speak to me in half whispers. “Suck me harder Jilly.” I do. I will oblige him until I feel his soft release in my mouth. Guiding my client to orgasm has become an effortless task. If it’s done well it is an act in efficiency. My goal is to get my client off with patience and compassion. I love that I won this hustle and the reward is more than monetary. I hustled him into my web and once he makes his personal deposit I will feel complete. Everyone is born with something they are good at. I love getting away with it.