What Do You Desire?

In my humble opinion, desire is a dangerous word. As the word desire flows from your lips the ending is almost a whisper. Have you ever noticed that? Finish a sentence with desire and see who pauses and looks up. It’s meaning is almost taboo in some circles. It’s the kind of word that you don’t say on a regular basis. It is mostly saved for a very special conversation or to make a point about whatever you’re gossiping about. At it’s best it is simply a noun. At it’s worst it’s a homewrecker or a reckless teenager sneaking back into his bedroom after a night of heavy petting which almost concluded with him deflowering his girlfriend. Well…at least she put it in her mouth once. Right? There’s always next time. Desire is capable of killing a nation and working three jobs so that your child can have the life you desire for him or her. Treat a lady right on a hot date and she’ll desire you. Desire can be hostile and manipulative. Quiet determination and patience is also a way to receive what you desire. Desire is a powerful force that can hold you in place longer than you intended to stay. Men and women alike are both slaves to desire at any given time. Funny thing. When you achieve what you desire most you would think with all that you went through to acquire what or whom is the object of your infatuation it would leave you sated. Alas, it does not. It leaves you wanting more or something new to desire. Take a minute and think about what you desire most. Is it selfless? Can you forget about it and continue with your life without obtaining that which you desire? For instance, take a woman you’d like to fuck and think about your desire for her. Perhaps it’s a woman you’ve known or just have met here and there at your son’s soccer games. There’s been lots of light chit chat, but neither of you have made that first move. So many missed chances. You wonder how many more you’ll get. What if she moves away? Why don’t you just make your play? Don’t you desire her? How many times have you imagined kissing her lovely red lips? Or, have you considered what those lips would look like wrapped around the swollen proof of your desire? Wouldn’t you like to pull her yoga pants off and bury your face in between her tender and ample thighs? She isn’t a fool. She might even have thrown it at you a few times and you haven’t taken the bait. You do not have to be Brad Pitt for a woman to desire you. If you are employed, relatively in good shape and make that extra effort eventually you’ll get what you need. An hour with her could have you feeling like a new man. You shouldn’t waste anymore time! Make a move! In reality you are so close to what you crave. At first she may be hesitant, but if you truly desire this connection make it happen. Touch her hand. Brush a strand of hair away from her face. Tell her you like the smell of her perfume. Be confident and if she recoils simply shake it off. Don’t give up on your desire. Don’t be afraid to take a chance. There are worst things in the world than failing. You’re not wrong. You’re learning. She might say no initially, but that’s okay. You’ve planted the seed, metaphorically if not literally. At least she knows where she stands with you now. Gentlemen have told me over the years that they needed time to build up the courage to call me. I hear “I’ve seen your posts and think your pictures are great!” Also, “I just wasn’t ready.” Flattering as this may be for me it’s a process for some guys. Calling up a prostitute isn’t for the faint of heart. I guess it all depends on how strong your desire is. Your throbbing cock doesn’t lie. Sex isn’t the answer for all of your problems, but it is such a nice redirect. Take the edge off. Have a puff of weed and let someone who’s in the business of desire take over for a little while. Sweet tits and a good attitude can do wonders for the man with too much on his mind. God only knows when you’ll get another chance.

My legs have always been my best feature.  Negril 2016

My legs have always been my best feature. Negril 2016