I’ve only loved a few of the men that I have met in my life. Gentle men. Brave men. Industrious and lazy men. Some men prefer to manipulate and use. Some were too frightened by their feelings to acknowledge how they felt. Some serenaded me at my bedroom window late at night. A few have stalked me. Some have cheated. Some have brought me flowers. Some have made me feel safe. Some have cried on my lap. Some have shared themselves completely. “Love is all you need?” I think it’s best to say that when love came my way I followed it until the end.
Love is exhausting and exhilarating. Unrequited and false. True blue and easy. I feel like if it comes my way again I’ll know better what to do. Or, I might just acknowledge it gently to myself and not speak a word. I meet men I could fall in love with from time to time, but I remind myself that I’d rather be free. Love is patient. So am I. Love makes me giggle, but I’ll get over it. I am proud of the fact that I can give and receive love without expectations. I like to observe others who are in love. You’ll see them holding hands in the park, sitting close to each other on a streetcar or helping each other get their baby settled in his stroller. It doesn’t matter how you feel about love and being loved, but when love comes your way remember what I’ve said and treat it tenderly. It might not come again.